JERITEX is honored to announce our strategic partnership with HSPOT, a top community that provides the leading Crypto market background to everyone, providing Crypto training and management consulting services in the region.
JERITEX Announces Strategic Partnership with HSPOT to drive cooperation in the launching of the new listing new projects on JERITEX Metaverse NFT Marketplace, especially the launching of the first NFT collection “the WC22 Qatar Mystery Box” of Metaverz Sport & Entertainment.
JERITEX and HSPOT will power the WC22 Qatar Mystery Box NFT Collection as well as seek to leverage each other’s network and expertise to educate, and motivate more users. The WC22 Qatar Mystery NFT Box Collectors can win up to 20,000 USDT for each winning super rare NFT with a total prize pool of up to 3,000,000 USDT, or trade those rare NFTs on JERITEX Metaverse NFT Marketplace.
As part of the strategic partnership, HSPOT organized the AMA event “NFT accompany to the World Cup Qatar 2022”. The event attracted a large community to participate and learn about the collection of WC22 Qatar Mystery Box NFTs as well as sharing the exciting opportunities of collecting rare WC22 Qatar NFTs with a total prize pool of up to 3,000,000.00 USD or trading and listing those rare NFTs on the JERITEX NFT Marketplace.
“We are excited to partner with HSPOT to not only advance NFTs in the market, but to also further harness new NFT listing projects for the entire crypto ecosystem in JERITEX communities,” said Johnson Qiu, CEO at Jeritexeu.com. “By partnering with HSPOT, we will be able to maximize our efforts while also continuing to build JERITEX Metaverse NFT Marketplace for a highly engaged regional population.”
HSPOT is a top community that provides information and knowledge about Cryptocurrency; specializing in providing from basic to advanced and in-depth knowledge for beginners, experienced people and professionals in this market; supporting and serving investors with honest and multi-dimensional views on the market so that each person will make informed decisions to improve efficiency investment.
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